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There are 14 words beginning with PONC

PONCEponce n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, derogatory, slang) A man living off another’s earnings, especially…
ponce n. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, derogatory, slang) Synonym of poof: an effeminate male homosexual;…
ponce v. To act as a pimp.
PONCEAUponceau n. (Chemistry) Any of a number of red pigments, some of which are used as indicators.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
PONCEAU n. a small bridge.
PONCEAUSponceaus n. Plural of ponceau.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
PONCEAUXponceaux n. Plural of ponceau.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
PONCEDponced v. Simple past tense and past participle of ponce.
PONCE v. to live on immoral earnings.
PONCESponces n. Plural of ponce.
PONCE v. to live on immoral earnings.
PONCEYponcey adj. Alternative spelling of poncy.
PONCEY adj. effeminate, also PONCY.
PONCHOponcho n. A simple garment, made from a rectangle of cloth, with a slit in the middle for the head.
poncho n. A similar waterproof garment, today typically of rubber with a hood.
PONCHO n. (Spanish) a type of cloak.
PONCHOEDponchoed adj. Wearing a poncho.
PONCHOED adj. wearing a poncho.
PONCHOSponchos n. Plural of poncho.
PONCHO n. (Spanish) a type of cloak.
PONCIERponcier adj. Comparative form of poncy: more poncy.
PONCY adj. effeminate, also PONCEY.
PONCIESTponciest adj. Superlative form of poncy: most poncy.
PONCY adj. effeminate, also PONCEY.
PONCINGponcing v. Present participle of ponce.
PONCE v. to live on immoral earnings.
PONCYponcy adj. (Chiefly Britain, derogatory, informal) Of, relating to, or (supposedly) characteristic of a ponce.
PONCY adj. effeminate, also PONCEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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