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There are 14 words beginning with PODI

PODIApodia n. Plural of podium.
PODIUM n. (Latin) a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall.
PODIALpodial adj. Relating to a podium.
PODIAL adj. pertaining to the podium.
PODITEpodite n. (Zoology) A limb of a crustacean when ambulatory.
PODITE n. a walking leg of a crustacean.
PODIUMpodium n. A platform on which to stand, as when conducting an orchestra or preaching at a pulpit; any low platform or dais.
podium n. (Sometimes proscribed) A stand used to hold notes when speaking publicly.
podium n. (Sports and other competitions) A steepled platform upon which the three competitors with the best results…
PODITESpodites n. Plural of podite.
PODITE n. a walking leg of a crustacean.
PODITICPODITIC adj. relating to a podite, a walking leg of a crustacean.
PODIUMSpodiums n. Plural of podium.
PODIUM n. (Latin) a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall.
PODIATRYpodiatry n. (US, medicine) chiropody.
PODIATRY n. the study and treatment of the human foot.
PODIUMEDpodiumed adj. Placed on a podium (especially as a result of winning, or coming second or third, in a race or similar competition).
podiumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of podium.
PODIUM v. to win a place on the victors' podium by finishing in the leading places in a sporting competition.
PODIATRICpodiatric adj. Of or pertaining to podiatry, the medical specialty concerned with the foot.
PODIATRIC adj. relating to care of the feet.
PODIUMINGpodiuming v. Present participle of podium.
PODIUM v. to win a place on the victors' podium by finishing in the leading places in a sporting competition.
PODIATRIESPODIATRY n. the study and treatment of the human foot.
PODIATRISTpodiatrist n. (Medicine) A health care practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot ailments.
PODIATRIST n. one who practises podiatry.
PODIATRISTSpodiatrists n. Plural of podiatrist.
PODIATRIST n. one who practises podiatry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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