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There are 12 words beginning with PIVO

PIVOTpivot n. A thing on which something turns; specifically a metal pointed pin or short shaft in machinery, such…
pivot n. (Figuratively, by extension) Something or someone having a paramount significance in a certain situation.
pivot n. Act of turning on one foot.
PIVOTABLEpivotable adj. Capable of being pivoted.
PIVOTABLE adj. that can be pivoted.
PIVOTALpivotal adj. Of, relating to, or being a pivot.
pivotal adj. Being of crucial importance; central, key.
PIVOTAL adj. critically important.
PIVOTALLYpivotally adv. In a pivotal way.
PIVOTAL adv. critically important.
PIVOTEDpivoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pivot.
pivoted adj. Fitted with a pivot or pivots.
PIVOT v. to turn on a shaft or rod.
PIVOTERpivoter n. One who or that which pivots, especially a muscle.
PIVOTER n. someone who makes pivots.
PIVOTERSpivoters n. Plural of pivoter.
PIVOTER n. someone who makes pivots.
PIVOTINGpivoting v. Present participle of pivot.
pivoting n. A motion by which something pivots.
pivoting n. The pivot-work in a machine.
PIVOTINGSpivotings n. Plural of pivoting.
PIVOTING n. the section of a machine which pivots.
PIVOTMANpivotman n. (Military) A pivot; the soldier around whom a body of troops wheels.
pivotman n. (Sports) A player in a central position.
pivotman n. (Figurative) A central or key person; someone around whom a particular project etc. rotates.
PIVOTMENpivotmen n. Plural of pivotman.
PIVOTMAN n. a centre on a basketball team.
PIVOTSpivots n. Plural of pivot.
PIVOT v. to turn on a shaft or rod.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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