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There are 20 words beginning with PENC

PENCEpence n. Plural of penny (the subunit of the pound sterling or Irish pound).
Pence prop.n. A surname.
PENCE n. in the United Kingdom, a new penny.
PENCELpencel n. (Now historical) A small pennon; a little banner, flag, or streamer.
pencel n. (Obsolete) A lady’s favour or token as worn by a knight.
pencel n. (Rare, obsolete) A knight carrying a pennon.
PENCESpences n. (Nonstandard) plural of pence.
PENCE n. in the United Kingdom, a new penny.
PENCILpencil n. (Now chiefly historical) A paintbrush.
pencil n. A writing utensil with a graphite (commonly referred to as lead) shaft, usually blended with clay, clad…
pencil n. (Optics) An aggregate or collection of rays of light, especially when diverging from, or converging to, a point.
PENCELSpencels n. Plural of pencel.
PENCEL n. a small pennon, also PENSEL, PENSIL.
PENCILSpencils n. Plural of pencil.
pencils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pencil.
PENCIL v. to write or draw with graphite or lead.
PENCHANTpenchant n. Taste, liking, or inclination (for).
penchant n. (Card games, uncountable) A card game resembling bezique.
penchant n. (Card games) In the game of penchant, any queen and jack of different suits held at the same time.
PENCILEDpenciled v. (American spelling) simple past tense and past participle of pencil.
PENCIL v. to write or draw with graphite or lead.
PENCILERpenciler n. In comic book production, a person who develops the plot and creative content, and draws an outline…
PENCILER n. one who pencils, also PENCILLER.
PENCRAFTpencraft n. Penmanship; skill in writing; the art of writing.
PENCRAFT n. penmanship.
PENCHANTSpenchants n. Plural of penchant.
PENCHANT n. (French) a strong liking for something.
PENCILERSpencilers n. Plural of penciler.
PENCILER n. one who pencils, also PENCILLER.
PENCILINGpenciling v. (American spelling) present participle of pencil.
penciling n. Alternative spelling of pencilling.
PENCILING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILLING.
PENCILLEDpencilled v. (British spelling) simple past tense and past participle of pencil.
pencilled adj. Written or marked with a pencil.
pencilled adj. Having pencils of rays; radiated.
PENCILLERpenciller n. Alternative form of penciler.
PENCILLER n. one who pencils, also PENCILER.
PENCILINGSpencilings n. Plural of penciling.
PENCILING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILLING.
PENCILLERSpencillers n. Plural of penciller.
PENCILLER n. one who pencils, also PENCILER.
PENCILLINGpencilling v. (British spelling) present participle of pencil.
pencilling n. A sketch or mark made in pencil.
PENCILLING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILING.
PENCILLINGSpencillings n. Plural of pencilling.
PENCILLING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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