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There are 20 words beginning with PALS

PALSpals n. Plural of pal.
pals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pal.
Pals n. Plural of Pal.
PALSApalsa n. (Geomorphology) A hummock rising out of a bog with a core of ice; similar in appearance to a pingo but…
PALSA n. (Finnish) a landform of subarctic regions.
PALSYpalsy n. (Pathology) Complete or partial muscle paralysis of a body part, often accompanied by a loss of feeling…
palsy v. To paralyse, either completely or partially.
palsy adj. (Colloquial) Chummy, friendly.
PALSASpalsas n. Plural of palsa.
PALSA n. (Finnish) a landform of subarctic regions.
PALSHIPpalship n. Friendship.
PALSHIP n. the relationship existing between close friends.
PALSIEDpalsied adj. Afflicted with palsy.
palsied adj. Trembling as if afflicted with palsy.
palsied v. Simple past tense and past participle of palsy.
PALSIERPALSY adj. pally, being pals.
PALSIESpalsies n. Plural of palsy.
palsies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of palsy.
PALSY v. to affect with palsy (a loss of control or of feeling in the muscles of the body).
PALSHIPSpalships n. Plural of palship.
PALSHIP n. the relationship existing between close friends.
PALSIESTPALSY adj. pally, being pals.
PALSTAFFpalstaff n. (Historical) An old Celtic and Scandinavian weapon consisting of a wedge of stone or metal fixed by…
PALSTAFF n. (Dutch) a peculiar bronze adz, used in prehistoric Europe about the middle of the Bronze Age, also PALSTAVE.
PALSTAVEpalstave n. A prehistoric bronze axe.
PALSTAVE n. (Dutch) a peculiar bronze adz, used in prehistoric Europe about the middle of the Bronze Age, also PALSTAFF.
PALSYINGpalsying v. Present participle of palsy.
PALSY v. to affect with palsy (a loss of control or of feeling in the muscles of the body).
PALSGRAVEpalsgrave n. (Historical) A count palatinate of the Holy Roman Empire, possessing near-royal powers within his county.
PALSGRAVE n. (Dutch) a count palatine.
PALSTAFFSpalstaffs n. Plural of palstaff.
PALSTAFF n. (Dutch) a peculiar bronze adz, used in prehistoric Europe about the middle of the Bronze Age, also PALSTAVE.
PALSTAVESpalstaves n. Plural of palstave.
PALSTAVE n. (Dutch) a peculiar bronze adz, used in prehistoric Europe about the middle of the Bronze Age, also PALSTAFF.
PALSYLIKEpalsylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a palsy, especially shaking motions.
PALSYLIKE adj. like the palsy.
PALSGRAVESpalsgraves n. Plural of palsgrave.
PALSGRAVE n. (Dutch) a count palatine.
PALSGRAVINEpalsgravine n. The consort or widow of a palsgrave.
PALSGRAVINE n. the domain of a palsgrave, a count palatine.
PALSGRAVINESpalsgravines n. Plural of palsgravine.
PALSGRAVINE n. the domain of a palsgrave, a count palatine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 29 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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