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There are 11 eight-letter words beginning with PRIS

PRISAGESprisages n. Plural of prisage.
PRISAGE n. the former right of English kings to wine.
PRISERESPRISERE n. the succession of vegetation that occurs in a previously unoccupied area as it passes from barren earth or water to a climax community.
PRISMOIDprismoid adj. Resembling a prism.
prismoid n. (Geometry) A prismatoid that has planar sides, and the same number of vertices in both of its parallel planes.
prismoid n. (Geometry) An antiprism.
PRISONEDprisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of prison.
PRISON v. to imprison.
PRISONERprisoner n. A person incarcerated in a prison, while on trial or serving a sentence.
prisoner n. Any person held against their will.
prisoner n. A person who is or feels confined or trapped by a situation or a set of circumstances.
PRISSIERprissier adj. Comparative form of prissy: more prissy.
PRISSY adj. affectedly proper.
PRISSIESprissies n. Plural of prissy.
PRISSY n. one who is affectedly proper.
PRISSILYprissily adv. In a prissy manner; in a manner that is excessively prim or proper.
PRISSY adv. affectedly proper.
PRISSINGprissing v. Present participle of priss.
PRISS v. to act in a prissy manner.
PRISTANEpristane n. (Organic chemistry) A natural saturated terpenoid alkane, 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane, used as…
PRISTANE n. a saturated hydrocarbon oil found in the livers of some marine creatures.
PRISTINEpristine adj. Unspoiled; still with its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied.
pristine adj. Primitive, pertaining to the earliest state of something.
pristine adj. Perfect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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