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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 9 eight-letter words beginning with PELL

PELLACHSPELLACH n. (Scots) a porpoise, also PELLOCK, PELLACK.
PELLACKSpellacks n. Plural of pellack.
PELLACK n. (Scots) a porpoise, also PELLOCK, PELLACH.
PELLAGRApellagra n. (Pathology) A disease characterised by skin lesions and mental confusion, primarily caused by a niacin deficiency.
PELLAGRA n. a niacin-deficiency disease.
PELLETALpelletal adj. In the form of pellets.
PELLETAL adj. resembling a pellet.
PELLETEDpelleted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pellet.
pelleted adj. Formed into pellets.
PELLET v. to hit with small, rounded masses.
PELLICLEpellicle n. A thin skin or film.
pellicle n. A skin or coating of proteins on the surface of meat to be smoked, improving the surface adhesion.
pellicle n. Cuticle, the hard protective outer layer of certain life forms.
PELLMELLpellmell adj. Alternative form of pell-mell.
pellmell adv. Alternative form of pell-mell.
pell-mell adj. Hasty and uncontrolled.
PELLOCKSpellocks n. Plural of pellock.
PELLOCK n. (Scots) a porpoise, also PELLACH, PELLACK.
PELLUCIDpellucid adj. Allowing the passage of light; translucent or transparent.
pellucid adj. (Figuratively).
pellucid n. (Obsolete, rare) Something which allows the passage of light; a translucent or transparent object.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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