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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with PALM

PALMATEDpalmated adj. (Ornithology, zoology) Having digits connected by a thin membrane; webbed.
palmated adj. (Zoology) Having broad, flattened parts with short extensions similar to a webbed appendage.
palmated adj. (Rare) palmate.
PALMBALLPALMBALL n. a baseball pitched from the palm and thumb.
PALMETTEpalmette n. A motif in decorative art resembling the fan-shaped leaves of a palm tree.
PALMETTE n. (French) an ornament (in sculpture or painting) with radiating petals like a palm leaf.
PALMETTOpalmetto n. Any of various fan palms of the family Arecaceae, especially Sabal palmetto or the saw palmetto, Serenoa repens.
palmetto n. A hat made of palmetto leaves.
palmetto n. A native or resident of the US state of South Carolina.
PALMFULSpalmfuls n. Plural of palmful.
PALMFUL n. as much as a palm can hold.
PALMIERSpalmiers n. Plural of palmier.
PALMIER n. a pastry shaped like a palm leaf.
PALMIESTpalmiest adj. Superlative form of palmy: most palmy.
PALMY adj. marked by prosperity.
PALMIETSpalmiets n. Plural of palmiet.
PALMIET n. (South African) an aloe-like riverside plant of the rush family.
PALMIPEDpalmiped n. (Obsolete) A web-footed bird.
PALMIPED n. a webfooted bird, also PALMIPEDE.
PALMISTSpalmists n. Plural of palmist.
PALMIST n. a person who tells fortunes by reading palms, also PALMISTER.
PALMITICpalmitic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from palmitic acid.
PALMITIC adj. as in palmitic acid, an ingredient of some soaps.
PALMITINpalmitin n. (Organic chemistry) A glyceride of palmitic acid.
PALMITIN n. a glyceride of palmitic acid.
PALMLIKEpalmlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a palm tree.
PALMLIKE adj. resembling a palm tree.
PALMTOPSpalmtops n. Plural of palmtop.
PALMTOP n. a small handheld computer.
PALMYRASpalmyras n. Plural of palmyra.
PALMYRA n. (Portuguese) a species of palm having a straight, black, upright trunk, with palmate leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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