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There are 9 seven-letter words beginning with PREL

PRELACYprelacy n. The office of a prelate.
prelacy n. The prelature; prelates considered as a group.
prelacy n. A church government or organisation administered by prelates.
PRELATEprelate n. A clergyman of high rank and authority, having jurisdiction over an area or a group of people; normally a bishop.
prelate v. (Obsolete) To act as a prelate.
Prelate prop.n. A village in Saskatchewan, Canada.
PRELATYprelaty n. (Now historical) The system of ecclesiastic governance by prelates or bishops; episcopacy, prelacy.
PRELATY n. the office of a prelate, also PRELACY.
PRELECTprelect v. (Intransitive) To discourse publicly; to lecture.
PRELECT v. to lecture, also PRAELECT.
PRELIFEprelife adj. Before the start of life.
PRELIFE n. a life conceived of as lived before one's earthly life.
PRELIMSprelims n. Plural of prelim.
prelims n. The preliminary front matter of a book, i.e. all content preceding the main text or work itself.
prelims n. (Uncountable, collective, Oxford University slang) Preliminary examinations taken as a whole, as sat…
PRELOADpreload v. (Transitive) To load in advance (used especially in reference to software installed on a computer prior to sale).
preload v. (Intransitive, Britain, slang) To drink (cheaper) alcohol at home before going out socially.
preload n. (Anatomy) The end diastolic pressure that stretches the right or left ventricle of the heart to its…
PRELUDEprelude n. An introductory or preliminary performance or event.
prelude n. (Music) A short, free-form piece of music, originally one serving as an introduction to a longer and…
prelude n. (Programming) A standard module or library of subroutines and functions to be imported, generally by…
PRELUDIPRELUDIO n. (Italian) a prelude.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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