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There are 11 seven-letter words beginning with PLAY

PLAYACTplayact v. Alternative form of play-act.
play-act v. (Intransitive) To perform on stage; to act in a play.
play-act v. (Transitive) To play (A scene, role etc.); to act out.
PLAYBOYplayboy n. A single man, especially a wealthy one, who devotes himself to a life of leisure and pleasure, often…
Playboy prop.n. A brand of adult magazines introduced in the United States.
Playboy n. A Playboy magazine.
PLAYBUSplaybus n. A bus that provides mobile entertainment and education facilities for young children.
PLAYBUS n. a mobile playground.
PLAYDAYplayday n. A day given to play or diversion; a holiday.
PLAYDAY n. a holiday.
PLAYERSplayers n. Plural of player.
Players prop.n. Plural of Player.
PLAYER n. one who plays.
PLAYFULplayful adj. Liking play, prone to play frequently, such as a child or kitten; rather sportive.
playful adj. Funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome.
playful adj. Fun, recreational, not serious.
PLAYINGplaying n. (Gerund of play) An occasion on which something, such as a song or show, is played.
playing v. Present participle of play.
PLAYING n. an act of play.
PLAYLETplaylet n. A short play (dramatic work).
PLAYLET n. a short theatrical performance.
PLAYOFFplayoff n. A final game in a series needed to break a tie.
playoff n. (US) A short series of games to select a league champion.
play-off n. Alternative spelling of playoff.
PLAYPENplaypen n. An enclosure for children to play in.
PLAYPEN n. a safety device for a child's play.
PLAYSETplayset n. A themed collection of similar toys designed to work together to enact some action or event.
playset n. A unitary structure for children to play on, typically including a slide, and often swings, ropes to…
PLAYSET n. an outdoor apparatus having equipment for children's activities.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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