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There are 14 seven-letter words beginning with PERI

PERIAPTperiapt n. A charm worn on a necklace; an amulet.
PERIAPT n. (Shakespeare) an amulet.
PERICONPERICON n. (Spanish) an Argentinan folk-dance performed by couples dancing in a ring.
PERIDIAperidia n. Plural of peridium.
PERIDIUM n. the outer coating of the spore carrier of a fungus.
PERIDOTperidot n. A transparent olive-green form of olivine, used as a gem.
peridot n. A yellow-green colour, like that of the peridot.
PERIDOT n. (French) a gemstone, a pale green variety of olivine, also PERIDOTE.
PERIGEEperigee n. (Astronomy) The point, in an orbit about the Earth, that is closest to the Earth: the periapsis of an Earth orbiter.
perigee n. (Astronomy, more generally) The point, in an orbit about any planet, that is closest to the planet…
perigee n. (Possibly archaic outside astrology) The point, in any trajectory of an object in space, where it is…
PERIGONperigon n. (Geometry) A round angle; a full circle.
perigon n. (Dated) A perianth or a perigonium.
PERIGON n. (Greek) an angle equal to 360 degrees.
PERILEDperiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of peril.
PERIL v. to put in danger, also IMPERIL.
PERILLAperilla n. An East Asian herb with flavorful leaves used in cooking and as a garnish, Perilla frutescens. Also…
Perilla prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – the shiso herb, found in southeast and east Asia.
PERILLA n. (Latin) a genus of labiate herbs, of which one species is often cultivated for its purple or variegated foliage.
PERINEAperinea n. Plural of perineum.
PERINEUM n. the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the anus, also PERINAEUM.
PERIODSperiods n. Plural of period.
PERIOD v. (Shakespeare) to put an end to.
PERIOSTperiost n. Synonym of periosteum.
PERIOST n. (Greek) a tough fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones, also PERIOSTEUM.
PERIQUEperique n. A kind of tobacco with medium-sized leaf, small stem, and tough and gummy fiber, raised in Louisiana…
PERIQUE n. (French) a strong, black, Louisiana tobacco.
PERITUSperitus n. (Christianity) A Roman Catholic theologian attending an ecumenical council to give advice.
PERITUS n. (Latin) a type of theological expert.
PERIWIGperiwig n. (Now historical) A wig, especially any kind of stylised wig as formerly worn by men and women.
periwig v. (Transitive) To dress with a periwig, or with false hair; to bewig.
PERIWIG n. (historical) a wig or peruke.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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