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List of 6-letter words beginning with

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There are 9 six-letter words beginning with PROL

PROLANPROLAN n. a gonadotropic hormone used to test for cyesis (pregnancy).
PROLEDPROLE v. to prowl, also PROLL, PROUL.
PROLEGproleg n. (Entomology) An appendage of the abdomen of some insect larvae, such as caterpillars, which is used like a leg.
PROLEG n. an abdominal leg of certain insect larvae.
PROLERPROLER n. (obsolete) a prowler, also PROLLER, PROULER.
PROLESproles n. Plural of prole.
PROLE v. to prowl, also PROLL, PROUL.
PROLIXprolix adj. Tediously lengthy; dwelling on trivial details.
prolix adj. (Obsolete) Long; having great length.
PROLIX adj. tediously long and wordy.
PROLLSprolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proll.
PROLL v. (obsolete) to prowl, also PROLE, PROUL.
PROLLYprolly adv. (Colloquial, slang) Probably.
PROLLY adv. (colloquial) probably.
PROLOGprolog n. A speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel.
prolog n. (Computing) A component of a computer program that prepares the computer to execute a routine.
Prolog prop.n. (Programming) A programming language developed in the 1970s for artificial intelligence and logic programming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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