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List of 6-letter words beginning with

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There are 9 six-letter words beginning with PANI

PANICKpanick adj. Obsolete form of panic.
panick n. Obsolete form of panic.
panick v. Obsolete form of panic.
PANICSpanics n. Plural of panic.
panics v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of panic.
PANIC v. to experience great terror.
PANIERpanier n. Obsolete form of pannier.
PANIER n. a large basket, also PANNIER.
PANIMSpanims n. Plural of panim.
PANIM n. a heathen, also PAYNIM, PAINIM.
PANINGpaning v. Present participle of pane.
PANE v. to insert panels in.
PANINIpanini n. A type of grilled sandwich made of a small loaf of bread, cut horizontally, filled with meat such as…
panini n. Plural of panino.
Panini prop.n. An ancient Indian grammarian known for codifying what came to be known as the Sanskrit language in his…
PANINOpanino n. Synonym of panini.
PANINO n. (Italian) a sandwich made with a small bread roll.
PANISCpanisc n. The god Pan, represented as a satyr.
Panisc n. Alternative form of panisc.
PANISC n. (Greek) an inferior god, attendant upon Pan, also PANISK.
PANISKPanisk n. Alternative form of panisc.
PANISK n. (Greek) an inferior god, attendant upon Pan, also PANISC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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