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There are 6 five-letter words beginning with PILA

PILAEpilae n. Plural of pila.
PILA n. an anatomical structure like a pillar in form.
PILAFpilaf n. A dish made by browning grain, typically rice, in oil and then cooking it with a seasoned broth, to…
PILAF n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAO, PILAU, PILAFF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU, PULAO.
PILAOPILAO n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU, PULAO.
PILARpilar adj. (Chiefly medicine) Relating to hair.
pilar adj. Covered in hair; hairy.
PILAR adj. pertaining to hair.
PILAUpilau n. Alternative spelling of pilaf.
pilau adj. (Hawaii, slang) filthy.
PILAU n. (Persian) a dish of rice, also PELAU, PILAF, PILAFF, PILAO, PILAW, PILLAU, PILOW, PULAO.
PILAWpilaw n. Alternative spelling of pilaf.
PILAW n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAO, PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILOW, PILLAU, PULAO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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