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List of 10-letter words beginning with

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There are 11 ten-letter words beginning with PERO

PERONEUSESPERONEUS n. one of several fibular muscles.
PERORATINGperorating v. Present participle of perorate.
PERORATE v. to make a lengthy speech.
PERORATIONperoration n. The concluding section of a discourse, either written or oral, in which the orator or writer sums up…
peroration n. A discourse or rhetorical argument in general.
PERORATION n. the concluding part of a discourse; a highly rhetorical speech.
PERORATORSPERORATOR n. one who perorates.
PEROVSKIASperovskias n. Plural of perovskia.
PEROVSKIA n. a genus of hardy deciduous shrubs of the Labiatae family.
PEROVSKITEperovskite n. (Mineralogy) A minor accessory mineral, CaTiO3, occurring in basic rocks, as orthorhombic crystals.
PEROVSKITE n. a mineral form of calcium titanate.
PEROXIDASEperoxidase n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of enzymes that act on substrates such as hydrogen peroxide and organic…
PEROXIDASE n. an enzyme found in many plants which acts as a catalyst in the oxidation of various substances by peroxides.
PEROXIDINGperoxiding v. Present participle of peroxide.
PEROXIDE v. to bleach with a bleaching agent.
PEROXIDISEperoxidise v. Alternative spelling of peroxidize.
PEROXIDISE v. to oxidize to the utmost degree, so as to form a peroxide, also PEROXIDIZE.
PEROXIDIZEperoxidize v. (Transitive) To convert into a peroxide.
peroxidize v. (Transitive) To treat (especially hair) with a peroxide.
peroxidize v. (Intransitive) To be converted into a peroxide.
PEROXISOMEperoxisome n. (Cytology) An intracellular organelle found in all eukaryotes (except Archezoa) which is the source…
PEROXISOME n. an organelle containing enzymes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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