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There are 12 nine-letter words beginning with POD

PODAGROUSpodagrous adj. Gouty; podagric.
PODAGROUS adj. relating to podagra, gout, also PODAGRAL, PODAGRIC, PODAGRICAL.
PODCASTEDpodcasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of podcast.
PODCAST v. to make a radio broadcast available as an audio file.
PODCASTERpodcaster n. One who podcasts.
PODCASTER n. one who creates podcasts.
PODGINESSpodginess n. The state or quality of being podgy.
PODGINESS n. the state of being podgy.
PODIATRICpodiatric adj. Of or pertaining to podiatry, the medical specialty concerned with the foot.
PODIATRIC adj. relating to care of the feet.
PODIUMINGpodiuming v. Present participle of podium.
PODIUM v. to win a place on the victors' podium by finishing in the leading places in a sporting competition.
PODOCARPSpodocarps n. Plural of podocarp.
PODOCARP n. a stem, or footstalk, supporting the fruit.
PODOMERESpodomeres n. Plural of podomere.
PODOMERE n. a limb segment of an arthropod, also PODITE.
PODSOLISEPODSOLISE v. to turn into podsol, also PODSOLIZE.
PODSOLIZEpodsolize v. Alternative form of podzolize.
PODSOLIZE v. to turn into podsol, also PODSOLISE.
PODZOLISEPODZOLISE v. to make into a podzol, a leached soil formed in cool, humid climates, also PODZOLIZE.
PODZOLIZEpodzolize v. (Transitive) To transform into podzol.
podzolize v. (Intransitive) To become podzol.
PODZOLIZE v. to make into a podzol, a leached soil formed in cool, humid climates, also PODZOLISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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