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There are 18 nine-letter words beginning with PIE

PIECELESSpieceless adj. Not made of pieces; whole; entire.
PIECELESS adj. not made of pieces; whole; entire.
PIECEMEALpiecemeal adj. Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time.
piecemeal adv. Piece by piece; in small amounts, stages, or degrees.
piecemeal adv. Into pieces or parts.
PIECENERSpieceners n. Plural of piecener.
PIECENER n. a worker who joins broken threads, also PIECER.
PIECENINGpiecening v. Present participle of piecen.
piecening n. A piecing.
PIECEN v. to join the broken ends of (a thread) during spinning.
PIECEWISEpiecewise adv. In terms or by means of pieces; a piece at a time.
piecewise adv. (Mathematics) Throughout separate parts, but not necessarily throughout the whole.
PIECEWISE adv. piece by piece.
PIECEWORKpiecework n. Alternative spelling of piece work.
piece␣work n. Work that a worker is paid for according to the number of units produced, rather than the number of…
PIECEWORK n. work paid for by the piece or quantity, not by time.
PIECRUSTSpiecrusts n. Plural of piecrust.
pie␣crusts n. Plural of pie crust.
PIECRUST n. the crust of a pie.
PIEDFORTSpiedforts n. Plural of piedfort.
PIEDFORT n. an unusually thick coin, also PIEFORT.
PIEDISHESpiedishes n. Plural of piedish.
PIEDISH n. a deep dish for pie-making.
PIEDMONTSpiedmonts n. Plural of piedmont.
PIEDMONT n. an area lying at the foot of a mountain.
PIEPLANTSpieplants n. Plural of pieplant.
pie␣plants n. Plural of pie plant.
PIEPLANT n. (US) rhubarb.
PIEPOWDERpiepowder n. (Obsolete) Chiefly in court of piepowders, etc. (sense 2): a traveller, particularly one on foot; a…
piepowder n. (Britain, law, historical) In full court of piepowders (also court of piepowder) or piepowder court…
PIEPOWDER n. (obsolete) a wayfarer, esp. an itinerant merchant or trader.
PIERCINGSpiercings n. Plural of piercing.
PIERCING n. a hole made in body piercing.
PIERHEADSpierheads n. Plural of pierhead.
PIERHEAD n. the seaward end of a pier.
PIERIDINEpieridine adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Pieridae, a large family of butterflies.
PIERIDINE adj. relating to the family Pieridae of butterflies, that includes the whites, brimstones, and sulphurs.
PIEROGIESpierogies n. Plural of pierogi.
PIEROGI n. (Polish) a small dumpling with a filling, also PEROGI, PEROGIE, PEROGY, PIROGI, PYROGY, PYROHY.
PIERRETTEPierrette prop.n. A female Pierrot character.
PIERRETTE n. (French) a female performer in a pierrot group.
PIETISTICpietistic adj. Pertaining to pietism, especially that associated with Luther and his followers; excessively pious.
PIETISTIC adj. relating to pietism, unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion, also PIETISTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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