PAIDEUTIC | • paideutic adj. Relating to paideutics. • PAIDEUTIC adj. relating to paideutics, the science or art of teaching, also PAEDEUTIC. |
PAILLARDS | • paillards n. Plural of paillard. • PAILLARD n. (French) a slice of meat pounded flat and grilled. |
PAILLASSE | • paillasse n. (Chiefly Britain) An under bed or mattress of straw. • PAILLASSE n. (French) a hard straw mattress, also PALLIASSE. |
PAILLETTE | • paillette n. A sequin or spangle. • PAILLETTE n. (French) a piece of foil used in enamel painting; a spangle. |
PAINFULLY | • painfully adv. In a painful manner; as if in pain. • painfully adv. (Informal) Badly; poorly. • PAINFUL adv. causing pain. |
PAINTABLE | • paintable adj. That can be painted; to which a coating of paint can be applied. • paintable adj. Able or suitable to be painted (rendered by an artist in paint). • PAINTABLE adj. able to be painted. |
PAINTBALL | • paintball n. (Uncountable) A sport where teams shoot each other with gelatin capsules filled with paint-like dye. • paintball n. (Countable) The dye-filled capsule fired in the sport of paintball. • paintball v. To engage in the sport of paintball. |
PAINTERLY | • painterly adj. Characteristic of a painter or paintings. • painterly adj. (Of a painting) Having clear brush-strokes. • PAINTERLY adj. having the qualities of a painter. |
PAINTIEST | • paintiest adj. Superlative form of painty: most painty. • PAINTY adj. covered with paint. |
PAINTINGS | • paintings n. Plural of painting. • PAINTING n. a painted picture. |
PAINTPOTS | • paintpots n. Plural of paintpot. • paint-pots n. Plural of paint-pot. • paint␣pots n. Plural of paint pot. |
PAINTRESS | • paintress n. (Archaic) A female painter. • PAINTRESS n. a female painter. |
PAINTURES | • paintures n. Plural of painture. • PAINTURE n. the art of painting. |
PAINTWORK | • paintwork n. The painted surface of a car, building, etc. • PAINTWORK n. painted fixtures in a building; painted surfaces on a vehicle. |
PAITRICKS | • PAITRICK n. (Scots) a partridge. |