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There are 16 eight-letter words beginning with PIP

PIPEAGESpipeages n. Plural of pipeage.
PIPEAGE n. transportation, as of petroleum oil, by means of a pipe conduit; also, the charge for such transportation, also PIPAGE.
PIPECLAYpipeclay n. Catlinite.
pipeclay v. (Transitive) To whiten by application of pipeclay.
pipeclay v. (Transitive, slang, dated, UK) To clear off.
PIPEFISHpipefish n. A small fish of the seahorse family, having a long thin body covered with partially ossified plates…
PIPEFISH n. any of numerous fishes having a long slender armoured body and a tubular snout.
PIPEFULSpipefuls n. Plural of pipeful.
PIPEFUL n. as much as a pipe can hold.
PIPELESSpipeless adj. Without pipes.
PIPELESS adj. without a pipe.
PIPELIKEpipelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a pipe.
PIPELIKE adj. like a pipe.
PIPELINEpipeline n. A conduit made of pipes used to convey water, gas or petroleum etc.
pipeline n. A channel (either physical or logical) by which information is transmitted sequentially (that is, the…
pipeline n. (Figurative) A system or process through which something is conducted.
PIPERINEpiperine n. (Organic chemistry) The alkaloid responsible for the pungency of black pepper.
PIPERINE n. an alkaloid found in black pepper.
PIPESTEMpipestem n. The hollow stem or tube of a pipe used for smoking tobacco, etc.
pipestem n. The pale bridewort (Spiraea alba).
pipestem n. A driveway that leads to multiple residences, often maintained or owned jointly by the residents along…
PIPETTEDpipetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pipet.
PIPETTE v. to transfer, measure, draw off or out, (a liquid or gas) with a pipette.
PIPETTESpipettes n. Plural of pipette.
PIPETTE v. to transfer, measure, draw off or out, (a liquid or gas) with a pipette.
PIPEWORKpipework n. Any system of pipes or tubes; piping.
pipework n. (Music) The pipes and stops of an organ.
PIPEWORK n. piping or pipes collectively; a vein of ore in the form of a pipe.
PIPEWORTpipewort n. Any of several aquatic plants of the genus Eriocaulon.
PIPEWORT n. an aquatic or marsh herb with soft grasslike leaves.
PIPINESSpipiness n. The quality of being pipy.
PIPINESS n. the quality of being pipy.
PIPINGLYpipingly adv. With a piping sound; with a high pitch.
PIPINGLY adv. shrilly.
PIPPIESTPIPPY adj. having pips.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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