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There are 20 seven-letter words beginning with PUT

PUTAMENputamen n. (Botany) The shell of a nut; the stone of a drupe fruit; endocarp.
putamen n. (Anatomy) A round structure located at the base of the forebrain, regulating movement and learning.
PUTAMEN n. (Latin) a fruit stone; a membrane lining an eggshell.
PUTCHERputcher n. A fish-trap in the form of a conical basket, traditionally used in parts of Great Britain, where they…
PUTCHER n. a wire trap for catching salmon, also PUTCHEON.
PUTCHUKputchuk n. Alternative form of pachak.
PUTCHUK n. (Hindi) an aromatic root resembling ginger, also PUTCHOCK, PACHAK.
PUTDOWNputdown n. Alternative spelling of put-down.
put-down n. An insult or barb; a snide or demeaning remark.
put␣down v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see put, down.
PUTEALSputeals n. Plural of puteal.
PUTEAL n. a wall around the top of a well.
PUTELISputelis n. Plural of puteli.
PUTELI n. (Hindi) a flat-bottomed boat used on the Ganges.
PUTLOCKputlock n. (Architecture) Alternative form of putlog.
PUTLOCK n. a crosspiece in a scaffolding, also PUTLOG.
PUTLOGSputlogs n. Plural of putlog.
PUTLOG n. a crosspiece in a scaffolding, also PUTLOCK.
PUTOFFSputoffs n. Plural of putoff.
PUTOFF n. an excuse or evasion.
PUTOUTSputouts n. Plural of putout.
put-outs n. Plural of put-out.
put␣outs n. Plural of put out.
PUTREFYputrefy v. To become filled with a pus-like or bile-like substance.
putrefy v. To reach an advanced stage of decomposition.
putrefy v. To become gangrenous.
PUTTEESputtees n. Plural of puttee.
PUTTEE n. (Hindi) a long strip of cloth wound round the lower leg, esp as part of army uniform, also PUTTIE.
PUTTERSputters n. Plural of putter.
putters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of putter.
PUTTER v. to occupy oneself in a leisurely or ineffective manner, also POTTER.
PUTTIEDputtied v. Simple past tense and past participle of putty.
PUTTY v. to fill with a type of cement.
PUTTIERputtier n. One who putties; a glazier.
puttier adj. Comparative form of putty: more putty (eye dialect of "prettier").
PUTTIER n. one who putties; a glazier.
PUTTIESputties n. Plural of putty.
putties n. Plural of puttie.
putties v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of putty.
PUTTINGputting v. Present participle of put.
putting n. (Obsolete) Instigation or incitement; enticement.
putting n. The action or result of the verb put.
PUTTOCKputtock n. (Now Britain regional) Any of several birds of prey including the red kite, buzzard or marsh harrier.
puttock n. (By extension) A rapacious person who preys on the defenseless.
puttock n. (Nautical) The futtock.
PUTURESPUTURE n. (historical) a foresters' claim of subsistence within the bounds of a forest, also PULTURE.
PUTZINGputzing v. Present participle of putz.
PUTZ v. to waste time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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