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There are 13 seven-letter words beginning with PIA

PIAFFEDpiaffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of piaffe.
PIAFFE v. (French) to perform a movement in horsemanship.
PIAFFERpiaffer n. A dressage movement in which a horse trots in a stationary position while using high lifting of the legs.
PIAFFER n. (French) a movement in horsemanship.
PIAFFESpiaffes n. Plural of piaffe.
piaffes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of piaffe.
PIAFFE v. (French) to perform a movement in horsemanship.
PIANINOpianino n. (Music) A pianette, or small piano.
PIANINO n. (Italian) a small piano, a pianette.
PIANISMpianism n. (Music) One’s way of playing the piano.
PIANISM n. performance on the piano.
PIANISTpianist n. A person who plays the piano, particularly with skill or as part of an orchestra.
pianist n. (World War II) A spy using radio or wireless telegraphy to keep in touch with headquarters during the…
PIANIST n. someone who plays the piano, also PIANISTE.
PIANOLApianola n. (Music) A mechanical piano which uses a roll of perforated paper to operate its keys, instead of being…
pianola n. (Bridge) A hand that is easy to play, i.e. one that "plays itself".
PIANOLA n. (tradename) a type of player piano.
PIARISTPiarist n. A member of the Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools, a Catholic…
PIARIST n. a member of a Christian group who educate the poor.
PIASABApiasaba n. Alternative form of piassava.
PIASABA n. (Tupi) a coarse, stiff fibre, also PIASSAVA, PIASAVA, PIASSABA.
PIASAVApiasava n. Alternative form of piassava.
PIASAVA n. (Tupi) a coarse, stiff fibre, also PIASSAVA, PIASABA, PIASSABA.
PIASTERpiaster n. Alternative spelling of piastre.
piaster n. The subdivision of the South Sudanese pound, equal to 1/100 of a pound.
PIASTER n. a monetary unit of several Arab countries, also PIASTRE.
PIASTREpiastre n. (Now historical) A Spanish or Spanish-American coin and unit of currency, originally worth eight real.
piastre n. (Historical) A form of currency formerly used in the French-speaking parts of Canada.
piastre n. (Historical) A form of currency formerly used in French Indochina.
PIAZZASpiazzas n. Plural of piazza.
Piazzas prop.n. Plural of Piazza.
PIAZZA n. (Italian) a public square in an Italian town.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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