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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with POM

POMACEpomace n. The pulp that remains after a fruit has been pressed to extract the juice (or a nut, etc., has been…
pomace n. Fish scrap.
POMACE n. the pulpy residue of crushed fruits.
POMADEpomade n. A greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair, making it look slick and shiny.
pomade n. (Obsolete) Any medicinal ointment.
pomade v. (Transitive) To anoint with pomade; to use pomade to style (hair).
POMATOpomato n. A plant produced by grafting a tomato plant and a potato plant, producing cherry tomatoes on the vine…
POMATO n. a tomato grafted on a potato.
POMBESPOMBE n. (Swahili) an African alcoholic drink.
POMELOpomelo n. The large fruit of the Citrus maxima (syn. C. grandis), native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, with…
pomelo n. The tree which produces this fruit.
pomelo n. (US, Caribbean, historical) the grapefruit.
POMMEEpommee adj. (Heraldry, of a cross) Having the ends terminating in rounded protuberances or single balls; having…
pommée adj. Alternative form of pommee.
POMMEE adj. of a heraldic cross, having arms with knoblike ends.
POMMELpommel n. The upper front brow of a saddle.
pommel n. A rounded knob or handle.
pommel n. (Sports, obsolete) The bat used in the game of knurr and spell or trap ball.
POMMIEpommie n. (Colloquial, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, sometimes pejorative) An English immigrant; a pom.
pommie adj. (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, sometimes derogatory) English; British.
POMMIE n. (Australian) an Englishman, also POMMY.
POMPEYPompey prop.n. (Historical) A military and political leader of the late Roman Republic.
Pompey prop.n. (Slang) The city of Portsmouth.
Pompey prop.n. (Slang, soccer) Portsmouth Football Club.
POMPOMpompom n. A decorative ball made of pieces of soft fabric bound at the centre, most notably used in cheerleading.
pom-pom n. (Military) A rapid-firing small-calibre cannon used especially as an anti-aircraft gun.
pom-pom n. Alternative spelling of pompom.
POMPONpompon n. A bundle of yarn, string, ribbon, etc. tied in the middle and left loose at the ends, so as to form…
pompon n. A hardy garden chrysanthemum with button-like flower heads.
pompon n. Any of several dwarf varieties of the Provence rose.
POMROYPomroy prop.n. A surname.
POMROY n. an old variety of apple, also POMEROY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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