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There are 19 six-letter words beginning with PIT

PITARApitara n. Alternative form of pitarah.
PITARA n. (Hindi) a type of clothes basket, also PETARA, PITARAH.
PITAYApitaya n. The dragon fruit.
PITAYA n. (Spanish) a giant cactus of southwestern US and Mexico, also PITAHAYA.
PITCHYpitchy adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch.
pitchy adj. Very dark black; pitch-black.
pitchy adj. (Music) Off pitch; out of tune.
PITHEDpithed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pith.
PITH v. to sever the central nervous system of.
PITHOIpithoi n. Plural of pithos.
PITHOS n. (Greek) a type of Greek storage jar.
PITHOSpithos n. (Historical) A large ceramic jar used by certain ancient civilizations that bordered the Mediterranean.
PITHOS n. (Greek) a type of Greek storage jar.
PITIEDpitied v. Simple past tense and past participle of pity.
PITY v. to feel sorrow at another's misfortune.
PITIERpitier n. One who pities.
PITIER n. one who pities.
PITIESpities n. Plural of pity.
pities v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pity.
PITY v. to feel sorrow at another's misfortune.
PITMANpitman n. (Plural "pitmen") One who works in a pit, as in mining, in sawing timber, etc.
pitman n. (Plural "pitmen" or "pitmans") A connecting rod in machinery, especially in a sawmill.
Pitman prop.n. A surname.
PITMENpitmen n. Plural of pitman.
PITMAN n. a mine worker.
PITONSpitons n. Plural of piton.
PITON n. (French) a metal spike used in mountain climbing.
PITOTSpitots n. Plural of pitot.
PITOT n. a tube used to measure the pressure of a fluid stream.
PITSAWpitsaw n. A saw worked by two people, one standing on the log and the other beneath it, often in a pit.
PITSAW n. a large saw used for cutting logs.
PITTASpittas n. Plural of pitta.
Pittas prop.n. Plural of Pitta.
PITTA n. a type of slightly leavened bread, originating in the Middle East.
PITTEDpitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pit.
pitted adj. Having a surface marked by pits; pockmarked or alveolate.
pitted adj. (Of fruit) Having had the pits removed.
PITTENPIT v. to mark with depressions.
PITTERpitter n. A device that removes pits from fruit such as olives or cherries.
pitter v. To make a pattering sound.
Pitter prop.n. A surname.
PITURIpituri n. The prepared leaves of an Australian shrub, Duboisia hopwoodii, chewed as a stimulant by Aboriginal…
PITURI n. (Native Australian) a type of Australian shrub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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