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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with PEP

PEPFULpepful adj. Full of pep; lively; energetic.
PEPFUL adj. full of vigour.
PEPINOpepino n. Synonym of pepino melon.
PEPINO n. (Spanish) a purple-striped pale yellow fruit with sweet flesh.
PEPITApepita n. An edible seed from a pumpkin or similar squash, which may - after being roasted (and, if needed, shelled)…
pepita n. A gold nugget, or pepito.
PEPITA n. (Spanish) the edible dried seed of a pumpkin or squash.
PEPLOSpeplos n. (Historical) An Ancient Greek garment, worn by women, formed of a tubular piece of cloth, which is folded…
PEPLOS n. (Greek) a garment worn by women in ancient Greece, also PEPLUS.
PEPLUMpeplum n. (Historical) A peplos, an Ancient Greek garment formed of a tubular piece of cloth folded back upon…
peplum n. (Historical) A kind of women’s outer garment in ancient Greece; a veil.
peplum n. (Fashion) A short overskirt cut in such a way that the sides form points.
PEPLUSpeplus n. (Obsolete) An upper garment worn by women in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
peplus n. (Dated) A kind of kerchief formerly worn by women in England.
PEPLUS n. (Greek) a garment worn by women in ancient Greece, also PEPLOS.
PEPPEDpepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of pep.
PEP v. to fill with energy.
PEPPERpepper n. A plant of the family Piperaceae.
pepper n. (Uncountable) A spice prepared from the fermented, dried, unripe berries of this plant.
pepper n. (UK, US, Ireland and Canada) A bell pepper, a fruit of the capsicum plant: red, green, yellow or white…
PEPSINpepsin n. (Biochemistry) A digestive enzyme that chemically digests, or breaks down, proteins into shorter chains…
PEPSIN n. a digestive enzyme of the stomach, also PEPSINE.
PEPSISpepsis n. Plural of pepsi.
Pepsis n. Plural of Pepsi.
Pepsis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pompilidae.
PEPTICpeptic adj. Of, pertaining to, capable of, or aiding digestion.
peptic adj. Of or pertaining to pepsin.
peptic n. An agent that promotes digestion.
PEPTIDpeptid n. Archaic form of peptide.
PEPTID n. a combination of amino acids, also PEPTIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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