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List of 4-letter words beginning with

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There are 6 four-letter words beginning with PEL

PELApela n. Chinese wax.
PELA n. (Chinese) a type of white wax from a scale insect.
PELEPele prop.n. (Hawaiian mythology) The Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanos.
Pele prop.n. A female given name from Hawaiian.
PELE n. (historical) a palisaded enclosure.
PELFpelf n. (Uncountable, chiefly derogatory, dated) Money, riches; gain, especially when dishonestly acquired; lucre, mammon.
pelf n. (Uncountable, dated) Rubbish, trash; specifically (Britain, dialectal) refuse from plants.
pelf n. (Uncountable, Southwest England) Dust; fluff.
PELLpell n. A fur or hide.
pell n. A lined cloak or its lining.
pell n. A roll of parchment; a record kept on parchment.
PELSpels n. Plural of pel.
PEL n. an earlier, now less common, word for a pixel.
PELTpelt n. The skin of an animal with the hair or wool on; either a raw or undressed hide, or a skin preserved…
pelt n. (Also figuratively) The skin of an animal (especially a goat or sheep) with the hair or wool removed…
pelt n. The fur or hair of a living animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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