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There are 7 four-letter words beginning with PAL

PALEpale adj. Light in color.
pale adj. (Of human skin) Having a pallor (A light color, especially due to sickness, shock, fright etc.).
pale adj. Feeble, faint.
PALIpali n. Plural of palus.
Pali prop.n. A Middle Indo-Aryan language of north India, closely related to Sanskrit; the sacred language of the…
Pali prop.n. The Prakrit language of the Buddha.
PALLpall n. Senses relating to cloth.
pall n. Senses relating to clothing.
pall v. (Transitive) To cloak or cover with, or as if with, a pall.
PALMpalm n. Any of various evergreen trees from the family Palmae or Arecaceae, which are mainly found in the tropics.
palm n. A branch or leaf of the palm, anciently borne or worn as a symbol of victory or rejoicing.
palm n. (Figurative, by extension) Triumph; victory.
PALPpalp n. (Zoology) Synonym of pedipalp.
palp n. A fleshy part of a fingertip.
palp n. (Medicine, uncountable, colloquial) Short for palpation.
PALSpals n. Plural of pal.
pals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pal.
Pals n. Plural of Pal.
PALYpaly adj. (Heraldry) vertically striped.
paly adj. (Obsolete) pale; lacking colour.
PALY adj. somewhat pale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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