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There are 12 ten-letter words beginning with PIP

PIPECLAYEDpipeclayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pipeclay.
PIPECLAY v. to whiten with pipeclay.
PIPEFISHESpipefishes n. Plural of pipefish.
PIPEFISH n. any of numerous fishes having a long slender armoured body and a tubular snout.
PIPEFITTERpipefitter n. An industrial tradesman who installs and maintains piping systems.
pipe␣fitter n. Alternative form of pipefitter.
PIPEFITTER n. one whose job is to fit pipes.
PIPELININGpipelining v. Present participle of pipeline.
PIPELINING n. the act of conveying by pipeline.
PIPERAZINEpiperazine n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology, uncountable) A saturated heterocyclic compound, C4H10N2, containing…
piperazine n. (Organic chemistry, countable) Any derivative of this compound.
PIPERAZINE n. a crystalline nitrogen compound used in medicine, insecticides etc.
PIPERIDINEpiperidine n. (Organic chemistry) An alicyclic heterocycle, containing 5 carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom, formally…
PIPERIDINE n. an oily liquid alkaloid having a hot, peppery, ammoniacal odor.
PIPERONALSPIPERONAL n. a phenolic aldehyde of very pleasant odour, used as a perfume and in flavourings, etc.
PIPESTONESpipestones n. Plural of pipestone.
PIPESTONE n. a kind of clay slate, carved by the Indians into tobacco pipes.
PIPINESSESPIPINESS n. the quality of being pipy.
PIPISTRELSpipistrels n. Plural of pipistrel.
PIPISTREL n. a small reddish-brown bat, also PIPISTRELLE.
PIPSISSEWApipsissewa n. Any of several evergreen plants, of the genus Chimaphila; the prince’s pine; in particular, the umbellate…
PIPSISSEWA n. a Native American medicinal plant.
PIPSQUEAKSpipsqueaks n. Plural of pipsqueak.
pip-squeaks n. Plural of pip-squeak.
PIPSQUEAK n. something or someone contemptible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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