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There are 12 ten-letter words beginning with PEC

PECCADILLOpeccadillo n. A small flaw or sin.
peccadillo n. A petty offense.
PECCADILLO n. (Spanish) a slight offence or sin.
PECCANCIESpeccancies n. Plural of peccancy.
PECCANCY n. sinfulness; transgression.
PECKERHEADpeckerhead n. (Chiefly US, derogatory) A dickhead: an unpleasant, stupid or mean person.
peckerhead n. (US) An electric motor’s terminal connection or wiring box.
pecker␣head n. Alternative form of peckerhead.
PECTINATEDpectinated adj. (Anatomy, zoology, botany) Having narrow ridges or projections aligned close together like the teeth of a comb.
PECTINATED adj. toothed like a comb, also PECTINATE.
PECTISABLEPECTISABLE adj. that can be pectised, also PECTIZABLE.
PECTIZABLEPECTIZABLE adj. that can be pectized, also PECTISABLE.
PECTOLITESpectolites n. Plural of pectolite.
PECTOLITE n. a hydrous silicate of lime and soda, occurring in radiated or fibrous crystalline masses.
PECTORALLYpectorally adv. In a pectoral manner; in connection with the breast.
PECTORAL adv. related to the chest.
PECULATINGpeculating v. Present participle of peculate.
PECULATE v. to embezzle.
PECULATIONpeculation n. (Law, chiefly historical) The wrongful appropriation or embezzlement of shared or public property, usually…
PECULATION n. embezzlement.
PECULATORSpeculators n. Plural of peculator.
PECULATOR n. one who peculates.
PECULIARLYpeculiarly adv. Such as to be greater than usual; particularly; exceptionally.
peculiarly adv. Such as to be strange or odd.
peculiarly adv. Strongly associated with; in a manner that is peculiar or restricted to some person or place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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