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There are 17 words beginning with ORTHOT

ORTHOTICorthotic adj. Of or pertaining to orthotics.
orthotic adj. (Typography) Of Greek typography: having an upright form, distinct from the cursive and chancery types.
orthotic n. An orthopedic appliance designed to support, straighten or improve the functioning of a body part; an orthosis.
ORTHOTICSorthotics n. (Medicine) The design, manufacture and installation of orthopedic appliances to support, straighten…
orthotics n. Plural of orthotic.
ORTHOTICS n. the branch of medicine that uses prosthetics to support weakened limbs.
ORTHOTISTorthotist n. A person who makes or fits orthotic devices.
ORTHOTIST n. one skilled in orthotics.
ORTHOTONEorthotone adj. (Grammar) Retaining the accent; not enclitic; said of certain indefinite pronouns and adverbs when used…
ORTHOTONE adj. taking an accent in certain positions but not in others, also ORTHOTONIC.
ORTHOTONE n. an orthotone word.
ORTHOTISTSorthotists n. Plural of orthotist.
ORTHOTIST n. one skilled in orthotics.
ORTHOTONESORTHOTONE n. an orthotone word.
ORTHOTONICorthotonic adj. Orthotone.
ORTHOTONIC adj. taking an accent in certain positions but not in others, also ORTHOTONE.
ORTHOTOPICorthotopic adj. (Anatomy) in the normal position.
ORTHOTOPIC adj. of tissue grafts etc., done at the normal place.
ORTHOTROPYorthotropy n. The condition of being orthotropic.
ORTHOTROPY n. the state of being orthotropic, growing along a vertical axis.
ORTHOTROPICorthotropic adj. (Botany) Growing vertically, either upwards or downwards.
orthotropic adj. (Engineering) Having material properties that differ along three mutually orthogonal twofold axes of…
ORTHOTROPIC adj. growing along a vertical axis.
ORTHOTONESESORTHOTONESIS n. accentuation of a proclitic or enclitic, as opposed to enclisis.
ORTHOTONESISorthotonesis n. The accentuation of a proclitic or enclitic.
ORTHOTONESIS n. accentuation of a proclitic or enclitic, as opposed to enclisis.
ORTHOTROPIESORTHOTROPY n. the state of being orthotropic, growing along a vertical axis.
ORTHOTROPISMorthotropism n. The property of being orthotropic or orthotropous.
ORTHOTROPISM n. vertical growth.
ORTHOTROPOUSorthotropous adj. (Botany, of an ovule) Growing straight and having the micropyle at the apex.
ORTHOTROPOUS adj. growing straight, so that the micropyle is opposite the stalk.
ORTHOTUNGSTICORTHOTUNGSTIC adj. as in orthotungstic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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