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There are 13 words beginning with ORBIT

ORBITorbit n. (Astronomy) A circular or elliptical path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet…
orbit n. A sphere of influence; an area or extent of activity, interest, or control.
orbit n. (Anatomy) The bony cavity in the skull of a vertebrate containing the eyeball.
ORBITAorbita n. (Anatomy) Obsolete form of orbit.
ORBITA n. (Latin) the hollow in which the eyeball rests.
ORBITSorbits n. Plural of orbit.
orbits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of orbit.
ORBIT v. to revolve around.
ORBITYorbity n. (Obsolete) A bereavement by loss of parents or children; the state of being orbate; orbation.
ORBITY n. (obsolete) bereavement, esp. of children.
ORBITALorbital adj. Of or relating to, or forming an orbit (such as the orbit of a moon, planet, or spacecraft).
orbital adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole).
orbital adj. (Chiefly UK) (of roads, railways) Passing around the outside of an urban area.
ORBITASORBITA n. (Latin) the hollow in which the eyeball rests.
ORBITEDorbited v. Simple past tense and past participle of orbit.
ORBIT v. to revolve around.
ORBITERorbiter n. An object that orbits another, especially a spacecraft that orbits a planet etc. without landing on it.
orbiter n. (Slang, seduction community) A person who constantly hangs around with someone they are attracted to…
ORBITER n. a spacecraft that orbits.
ORBITALSorbitals n. Plural of orbital.
ORBITAL n. an orbit.
ORBITERSorbiters n. Plural of orbiter.
ORBITER n. a spacecraft that orbits.
ORBITIESorbities n. Plural of orbity.
ORBITY n. (obsolete) bereavement, esp. of children.
ORBITINGorbiting v. Present participle of orbit.
ORBIT v. to revolve around.
ORBITALLYorbitally adv. (Sciences) By means of or in relation to orbit.
orbitally adv. (Physics, chemistry) By means of or in relation to an orbital or orbitals.
ORBITAL adv. relating to an orbit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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