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There are 20 words beginning with ORANG

ORANGorang n. An orangutan.
ORANG n. (Malay) a reddish-brown, tree-dwelling anthropoid ape, found only in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo, also ORANGUTAN, OURANG.
ORANGEorange n. (Countable) An evergreen tree of the genus Citrus such as Citrus sinensis.
orange n. (Countable) The fruit of the orange tree; a citrus fruit with a slightly sour flavour.
orange n. The colour of a ripe fruit of an orange tree, midway between red and yellow.
ORANGEADEorangeade n. A soft drink or a soda with an orange flavor.
orangeade n. A mixture of soda water and orange juice.
ORANGEADE n. a soft drink made from oranges.
ORANGEADESorangeades n. Plural of orangeade.
ORANGEADE n. a soft drink made from oranges.
ORANGERoranger adj. Comparative form of orange: more orange.
ORANGE adj. the colour of an orange (a fruit).
ORANGERIEorangerie n. Alternative form of orangery.
ORANGERIE n. (French) a building for growing orange trees in a cool climate, also ORANGERY.
ORANGERIESorangeries n. Plural of orangery.
orangeries n. Plural of orangerie.
ORANGERY n. a building for growing orange trees in a cool climate, also ORANGERIE.
ORANGERYorangery n. A greenhouse in which orange trees are grown.
orangery n. A garden or plantation where orange trees are grown.
ORANGERY n. a building for growing orange trees in a cool climate, also ORANGERIE.
ORANGESoranges n. Plural of orange.
oranges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of orange.
ORANGE n. a citrus fruit.
ORANGESTorangest adj. Superlative form of orange: most orange.
ORANGE adj. the colour of an orange (a fruit).
ORANGEWOODorangewood n. The wood of the orange tree.
ORANGEWOOD n. the wood of the orange-tree.
ORANGEWOODSORANGEWOOD n. the wood of the orange-tree.
ORANGEYorangey adj. Somewhat orange in colour.
orangey adj. Resembling, or flavoured with, oranges (the fruit).
Orangey n. (Slang, Ireland, sometimes derogatory) A Protestant, especially one that is a member of the Protestant…
ORANGIERorangier adj. Comparative form of orangey: more orangey.
ORANGY adj. resembling the colour of an orange, also ORANGEY.
ORANGIESTorangiest adj. Superlative form of orangey: most orangey.
ORANGY adj. resembling the colour of an orange, also ORANGEY.
ORANGISHorangish adj. Relatively orange in colour.
orangish adj. Similar to an orange.
ORANGISH adj. somewhat orange in colour.
ORANGSorangs n. Plural of orang.
ORANG n. (Malay) a reddish-brown, tree-dwelling anthropoid ape, found only in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo, also ORANGUTAN, OURANG.
ORANGUTANorangutan n. Any of three species of arboreal anthropoid ape, characterised by their shaggy reddish-brown coat and…
orang-utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
orang␣utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
ORANGUTANSorangutans n. Plural of orangutan.
orang-utans n. Plural of orang-utan.
orang␣utans n. Plural of orang utan.
ORANGYorangy adj. Alternative spelling of orangey.
ORANGY adj. resembling the colour of an orange, also ORANGEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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