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There are 18 words beginning with OBSES

OBSESSobsess v. (Passive, constructed with "with") To be preoccupied with a single topic or emotion.
obsess v. (Transitive) To dominate the thoughts of someone.
obsess v. (Intransitive, colloquial, construed with over) To think or talk obsessively about.
OBSESSEDobsessed v. Simple past tense and past participle of obsess.
obsessed adj. Intensely preoccupied with or by a given topic or emotion; driven by a specified obsession.
obsessed adj. Influenced or controlled by evil spirits, but less than possessed in that the spirits do not actually…
OBSESSESobsesses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obsess.
OBSESS v. to dominate the thoughts of.
OBSESSORobsessor n. One who is obsessive about something.
OBSESSOR n. something that obsesses.
OBSESSINGobsessing v. Present participle of obsess.
OBSESS v. to dominate the thoughts of.
OBSESSIONobsession n. The quality of being obsessed.
obsession n. An idea that engenders a compulsive or irrational preoccupation, or the preoccupation thereby engendered.
obsession n. An activity or entity that inspires a compulsive and potentially unhealthy fixation, or the fixation thereby inspired.
OBSESSIVEobsessive adj. Prone to cause obsession.
obsessive adj. Having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others.
obsessive adj. Excessive, as results from obsession.
OBSESSORSobsessors n. Plural of obsessor.
OBSESSOR n. something that obsesses.
OBSESSEDLYobsessedly adv. With an obsession.
OBSESSIONSobsessions n. Plural of obsession.
OBSESSION n. the morbid persistence of an idea in the mind.
OBSESSIVESobsessives n. Plural of obsessive.
OBSESSIVE n. someone affected or characterized by obsessive behaviour.
OBSESSIONALobsessional adj. Marked by obsession.
OBSESSIONAL adj. relating to obsession.
OBSESSIVELYobsessively adv. In an obsessive manner.
obsessively adv. To an obsessive degree.
OBSESSIVE adv. subject to obsession.
OBSESSIONISTobsessionist n. A person who has an obsession; an obsessive.
OBSESSIONIST n. someone who is obsessed by a fixed idea.
OBSESSIONALLYobsessionally adv. In an obsessional manner.
OBSESSIONAL adv. relating to obsession.
OBSESSIONISTSobsessionists n. Plural of obsessionist.
OBSESSIONIST n. someone who is obsessed by a fixed idea.
OBSESSIVENESSobsessiveness n. The characteristic of being obsessive.
OBSESSIVE n. subject to obsession.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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