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There are 9 ten-letter words beginning with OBLI

OBLIGATELYobligately adv. In an obligate manner.
OBLIGATE adv. obliged.
OBLIGATINGobligating v. Present participle of obligate.
OBLIGATE v. to bind morally or legally.
OBLIGATIONobligation n. The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone.
obligation n. A social, legal, or moral requirement, duty, contract, or promise that compels someone to follow or…
obligation n. A course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience by which someone is bound or restricted.
OBLIGATIVEobligative adj. Synonym of obligatory.
OBLIGATIVE adj. causing obligation.
OBLIGATORSobligators n. Plural of obligator.
OBLIGATOR n. one who obligates.
OBLIGATORYobligatory adj. Imposing obligation, legally, morally, or otherwise; binding; mandatory.
obligatory adj. Requiring a matter or obligation.
OBLIGATORY adj. binding in law or conscience.
OBLIGEMENTobligement n. Obligation.
obligement n. (Ulster) favour.
OBLIGEMENT n. (Scots) a helpful action, a favour.
OBLIGINGLYobligingly adv. In an obliging manner; so as to oblige another; as a favour to another.
OBLIGING adv. OBLIGE, to bind by some favour rendered, also OBLIGATE.
OBLITERATEobliterate v. To remove completely, leaving no trace; to wipe out; to destroy.
OBLITERATE v. to erase or blot out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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