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There are 13 words beginning with OVU

OVUMovum n. (Cytology) The female gamete in animals; the egg cell.
OVUM n. the female reproductive cell.
OVULEovule n. (Botany) The structure in a plant that develops into a seed after fertilization; the megasporangium…
ovule n. (Zoology) An immature ovum in mammals.
OVULE n. the structure inside an ovary which contains a female egg cell.
OVULARovular adj. Of or pertaining to an oval.
ovular adj. Of or pertaining to an ovule.
ovular n. (Feminism, rare) A seminar for feminists.
OVULESovules n. Plural of ovule.
OVULE n. the structure inside an ovary which contains a female egg cell.
OVULARYovulary n. (Botany) The structure that contains an ovule or ovules in a flowering plant.
ovulary adj. (Biology) Pertaining to ovules.
OVULARY adj. relating or belonging to an ovule, also OVULAR.
OVULATEovulate v. (Intransitive) To produce eggs or ova.
ovulate adj. (Botany) Containing, or bearing, an ovule.
OVULATE v. to produce ova.
OVULATEDovulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ovulate.
OVULATE v. to produce ova.
OVULATESovulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ovulate.
OVULATE v. to produce ova.
OVULATINGovulating v. Present participle of ovulate.
OVULATE v. to produce ova.
OVULATIONovulation n. (Physiology) The release of an ovum from an ovary.
OVULATION n. the act of releasing ova from the ovary.
OVULATORYovulatory adj. Pertaining to ovulation; ovulating.
OVULATORY adj. relating to ovulation.
OVULATIONSovulations n. Plural of ovulation.
OVULATION n. the act of releasing ova from the ovary.
OVULIFEROUSovuliferous adj. Bearing ovules.
OVULIFEROUS adj. bearing ovules.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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