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There are 10 words beginning with ORL

ORLEorle n. (Heraldry) A bordure that runs around the outline of a shield without touching the edge.
orle n. (Heraldry) The wreath, or chaplet, surmounting or encircling the helmet of a knight and bearing the crest; a torse.
orle n. (Architecture) A fillet under the ovolo of a capital.
ORLEANSOrleans prop.n. A city, the capital of the Loiret department, France; regional capital of Centre-Val de Loire.
Orleans n. (Uncountable, textiles) A cloth made of worsted and cotton, used for making clothes.
Orleans n. (Countable) A variety of plum.
ORLEANSESOrleanses n. Plural of Orleans.
ORLEANS n. a variety of plum.
ORLESorles n. Plural of orle.
ORLE n. a border within a heraldic shield at a short distance from the edge.
ORLISTATorlistat n. A drug designed to treat obesity.
ORLISTAT n. an orally administered drug that reduces the absorption of dietary fat by inhibiting the action of enzymes in the digestive system, used to treat obesity.
ORLISTATSORLISTAT n. an orally administered drug that reduces the absorption of dietary fat by inhibiting the action of enzymes in the digestive system, used to treat obesity.
ORLONOrlon n. A synthetic fibre used in yarn and knitwear.
ORLON n. (tradename) a crease-resistant acrylic fibre or fabric used for clothing, furnishing etc.
ORLONSORLON n. (tradename) a crease-resistant acrylic fibre or fabric used for clothing, furnishing etc.
ORLOPorlop n. (Nautical) The platform over the hold of a ship that makes up the fourth or lowest deck, hence in full…
ORLOP n. (Dutch) the lowest deck of a ship having four or more decks.
ORLOPSorlops n. Plural of orlop.
ORLOP n. (Dutch) the lowest deck of a ship having four or more decks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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