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There are 14 words beginning with ONI

ONIEONIE adj. (Scots) any, also ONY.
ONIONonion n. A monocotyledonous plant (Allium cepa), allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice.
onion n. The bulb of such a plant.
onion n. (Uncountable) The genus Allium as a whole.
ONIUMonium n. (Chemistry) any cation derived by the addition of a proton to the hydride of any element of the nitrogen…
onium n. (Chemistry) any organic derivative of these compounds.
onium n. (Physics) the bound pair of a particle and its antiparticle.
ONIONSonions n. Plural of onion.
Onions n. Plural of Onion.
Onions prop.n. A surname from Welsh [in turn originating as a patronymic].
ONIONYoniony adj. Resembling an onion or onions, especially in terms of smell.
oniony adj. Resembling the satirical news website The Onion.
Oniony adj. Alternative form of oniony (“resembling the satirical news website The Onion”).
ONIRIConiric adj. Alternative form of oneiric.
ONIRIC adj. belonging to dreams, also ONEIRIC.
ONIUMSoniums n. Plural of onium.
ONIUM n. a compound containing ions of the kind with names ending in -onium.
ONIONEDonioned adj. Flavoured or made with onion.
ONION v. to apply an onion, an edible bulb, to.
ONIONIERonionier adj. Comparative form of oniony: more oniony.
ONIONY adj. like an onion.
ONIONINGONION v. to apply an onion, an edible bulb, to.
ONISCOIDoniscoid n. (Zoology) A member of the Oniscoidea; a woodlouse.
ONISCOID adj. like a woodlouse.
ONIONIESTonioniest adj. Superlative form of oniony: most oniony.
ONIONY adj. like an onion.
ONIONSKINonionskin n. A thin, strong, light, translucent paper; used especially for making carbon copies.
onion␣skin n. Alternative form of onionskin (“kind of translucent paper”).
ONIONSKIN n. a very thin variety of paper.
ONIONSKINSonionskins n. Plural of onionskin.
onion␣skins n. Plural of onion skin.
ONIONSKIN n. a very thin variety of paper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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