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There are 9 words beginning with ONA

ONAGERonager n. The Asiatic wild ass or hemione (Equus hemionus), an animal of the horse family native to Asia; specifically…
onager n. (Military, historical) A military engine acting like a sling which threw stones from a bag or wooden…
ONAGER n. a wild ass of Asia.
ONAGERSonagers n. Plural of onager.
ONAGER n. a wild ass of Asia.
ONAGRACEOUSonagraceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Onagraceae of flowering plants, including the fuchsia and the evening primrose.
ONAGRACEOUS adj. belonging to evening primrose family of plants.
ONAGRIonagri n. Plural of onager.
ONAGER n. a wild ass of Asia.
ONANISMonanism n. Masturbation.
onanism n. Ejaculating outside the vagina during intercourse; (the performing of) coitus interruptus.
ONANISM n. coitus interrupted to prevent insemination.
ONANISMSonanisms n. Plural of onanism.
ONANISM n. coitus interrupted to prevent insemination.
ONANISTonanist n. A person, especially a man, who masturbates.
onanist n. A man who uses coitus interruptus as a means of birth control.
ONANIST n. one who practises onanism.
ONANISTIConanistic adj. Of or pertaining to masturbation (onanism).
onanistic adj. In a manner which suggests masturbation; hence, fruitless, self-congratulatory, self-absorbed, pointless.
ONANISTIC adj. relating to onanism.
ONANISTSonanists n. Plural of onanist.
ONANIST n. one who practises onanism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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