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There are 10 words beginning with OFT

OFToft adv. (Chiefly poetic, dialectal, and in combination) often; frequently; not rarely.
OFT prop.n. (UK) Initialism of Office of Fair Trading.
OFT adv. often.
OFTENoften adv. Frequently; many times.
often adj. (Archaic) Frequent.
OFTEN adv. happening many times.
OFTERofter adv. (Chiefly poetic or dialectal) comparative form of oft: more oft; more often.
OFT adv. often.
OFTESToftest adv. (Chiefly poetic, dialect) Most often (superlative form of oft: most oft).
OFT adv. often.
OFTENERoftener adv. Comparative form of often: more often.
OFTEN adv. happening many times.
OFTENESToftenest adv. (Dated) superlative form of often: most often.
OFTEN adv. happening many times.
OFTTIMESofttimes adv. (Chiefly US, uncommon) (elsewhere, archaic) often, frequently.
oft-times adv. (Chiefly US, uncommon) (elsewhere, archaic) Alternative form of ofttimes.
oft␣times adv. Alternative form of ofttimes.
OFTENNESSoftenness n. (Rare) The quality of happening often; frequency.
OFTENNESS n. frequency.
OFTENTIMESoftentimes adv. (Chiefly US) (elsewhere, archaic) Frequently; often.
often␣times adv. (Nonstandard, proscribed) Misspelling of oftentimes.
OFTENTIMES adv. often, repeatedly, also OFTTIMES.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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