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There are 16 words beginning with OBO

OBOobo n. Alternative form of ovoo (“Mongolian cairn”).
obo phr. (Colloquial) Alternative letter-case form of OBO: or best offer.
OBO n. (Nautical) Initialism of ore-bulk-oil: designating a ship designed to be capable of carrying wet or dry cargoes.
OBOEoboe n. A soprano and melody wind instrument in the modern orchestra and wind ensemble. It is a smaller instrument…
OBOE n. a kind of woodwind instrument.
OBOLobol n. (Historical) A silver coin of Ancient Greece.
obol n. (Historical) A weight, equivalent to one sixth of a drachma.
OBOL n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin, also OBOLUS.
OBOSOBO n. a vessel for carrying oil and bulk ore.
OBOESoboes n. Plural of oboe.
OBOE n. a kind of woodwind instrument.
OBOLEobole n. (Historical) An obsolete French coin.
OBOLE n. (French) a medieval French coin.
OBOLIoboli n. Plural of obolus.
OBOLUS n. (Latin) in the Middle Ages, various small coins including a halfpenny, also OBOL.
OBOLSobols n. Plural of obol.
OBOL n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin, also OBOLUS.
OBOISToboist n. Someone who plays an oboe.
OBOIST n. one who plays the oboe.
OBOLESoboles n. Plural of obole.
OBOLE n. (French) a medieval French coin.
OBOLUSobolus n. A silver coin minted in Ancient Greece, valued at a sixth of a drachma.
obolus n. (Historical) A unit of weight, equal to one-sixth of a drachma.
obolus n. Alternative form of obelus.
OBOISTSoboists n. Plural of oboist.
OBOIST n. one who plays the oboe.
OBOLARYobolary adj. (Nonce word) Possessing only small coins; impoverished.
OBOLARY adj. extremely poor.
OBOVATEobovate adj. (Botany, mycology) Shaped like an egg, with the broad extremity located away from the base.
OBOVATE adj. of a leaf, egg-shaped in outline, with the narrow end next to the base.
OBOVOIDobovoid adj. Approximately obovate in shape.
OBOVOID adj. ovoid with the narrow end at the base.
OBOVATELYobovately adv. In an obovate manner.
OBOVATE adv. of a leaf, egg-shaped in outline, with the narrow end next to the base.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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