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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 17 nine-letter words beginning with ORI

ORIBATIDSoribatids n. Plural of oribatid.
ORIBATID n. any of a family of eyeless mites.
ORICALCHEoricalche n. Obsolete form of orichalch.
ORICALCHE n. (Spenser) a gold-coloured alloy, also ORICHALC.
ORICHALCSORICHALC n. a gold-coloured alloy, also ORICALCHE.
ORIENCIESORIENCY n. brightness or strength of color.
ORIENTALSorientals n. Plural of oriental.
Orientals n. Plural of Oriental.
ORIENTAL n. a precious stone, esp. a pearl; an Oriental rug.
ORIENTATEorientate v. (UK, New Zealand, Australia, intransitive) To face a given direction.
orientate v. (UK, New Zealand, Australia, reflexive) To determine one’s position relative to the surroundings; to…
orientate v. To arrange in order; to dispose or place (a body) so as to show its relation to other bodies, or the…
ORIENTEERorienteer n. (Sports) Someone who takes part in the sport of orienteering.
orienteer v. (Sports) to race across unfamiliar countryside using a map and compass.
ORIENTEER v. to take part in orienteering, the sport of making one's way quickly across difficult country with the help of map and compass.
ORIENTERSorienters n. Plural of orienter.
ORIENTER n. one who helps another to adjust to surroundings.
ORIENTINGorienting v. Present participle of orient.
ORIENT v. to determine the position of, relatively to fixed or known directions, also ORIENTATE.
ORIFICIALorificial adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to the orifices of the body.
ORIFICIAL adj. relating to an orifice.
ORIFLAMMEoriflamme n. (History) The red silk banner of St Denis, which the abbot of St Denis gave to French kings as they rode to war.
oriflamme n. (Figuratively) Any banner, idea or principle which serves as a rallying point for those involved in a struggle.
oriflamme n. (Literary) Something resembling the banner of St Denis; a bright, shining object.
ORIGANUMSoriganums n. Plural of origanum.
ORIGANUM n. wild marjoram, also OREGANO, ORIGAN, ORIGANE.
ORIGINALSoriginals n. Plural of original.
ORIGINAL n. the first form of something.
ORIGINARYoriginary adj. (Rare) Pertaining to or being the origin of something.
originary adj. (Rare) primitive, original.
originary adj. (Obsolete, often preceding ’of’) Having its origin (in); originating (from).
ORIGINATEoriginate v. (Transitive) To cause (someone or something) to be; to bring (someone or something) into existence;…
originate v. (Intransitive) To come into existence; to have origin or beginning; to spring, be derived (from, with).
ORIGINATE v. to have an origin.
ORILLIONSorillions n. Plural of orillion.
ORILLION n. part of a fortification which shields guns.
ORINASALSORINASAL n. a sound pronounced through both the mouth and nose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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