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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with ONC

ONCIDIUMSoncidiums n. Plural of oncidium.
ONCIDIUM n. any of a genus of tropical orchidaceous plants.
ONCOGENESoncogenes n. Plural of oncogene.
ONCOGENE n. a gene that causes a cell to become cancerous.
ONCOGENIConcogenic adj. Causing the formation of tumors.
ONCOGENIC adj. relating to oncogenesis, the production of cancerous tumours.
ONCOLOGIConcologic adj. (Oncology) Of or pertaining to oncology.
ONCOLOGIC adj. relating to oncology, the study of tumours, also ONCOLOGICAL.
ONCOLYSESoncolyses n. Plural of oncolysis.
ONCOLYSIS n. the destruction of tumours.
ONCOLYSISoncolysis n. The breakdown or destruction of a tumour.
ONCOLYSIS n. the destruction of tumours.
ONCOLYTIConcolytic adj. That breaks up cancer cells.
oncolytic n. Any drug or substance that breaks up cancer cells.
ONCOLYTIC n. an agent that destroys tumours.
ONCOMETERoncometer n. (Physiology) An instrument for measuring the variations in size of the internal organs of the body.
ONCOMETER n. an instrument measuring change in the size of internal organs.
ONCOMINGSoncomings n. Plural of oncoming.
ONCOMING n. an approach.
ONCOMOUSEoncomouse n. A type of laboratory mouse that has been genetically modified to carry an activated oncogene, increasing…
ONCOMOUSE n. (US) a mouse bred for cancer treatment research.
ONCOSTMANoncostman n. (Mining, historical) Any workman who was paid a daily rate.
ONCOSTMAN n. a mine worker paid by the day.
ONCOSTMENoncostmen n. Plural of oncostman.
ONCOSTMAN n. a mine worker paid by the day.
ONCOVIRUSoncovirus n. A virus that can cause cancer.
ONCOVIRUS n. a virus causing cancer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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