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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with ORD

ORDAINEDordained adj. Established by authority.
ordained adj. Admitted to the ministry of the church.
ordained v. Simple past tense and past participle of ordain.
ORDAINERordainer n. A person (usually a clergyman) who ordains.
ORDAINER n. one who ordains.
ORDALIANordalian adj. (Law, obsolete) Of or relating to trial by ordeal.
ORDALIAN adj. of or relating to an ordeal.
ORDALIUMordalium n. (Obsolete) Trial by ordeal.
ORDALIUM n. (Latin) the process of resolving a disputed question by divination.
ORDERERSorderers n. Plural of orderer.
ORDERER n. one who orders.
ORDERINGordering v. Present participle of order.
ordering n. Arrangement in a sequence.
ordering n. (Uncountable) The placement of an order for goods or services.
ORDINALSordinals n. Plural of ordinal.
ORDINAL n. a book containing religious rites, esp. for ordination.
ORDINANDordinand n. A candidate for ordination.
ORDINAND n. one who is undertaking ordination.
ORDINANTordinant n. (Obsolete) One who ordains.
ordinant adj. Ordaining; decreeing.
ORDINANT n. one who ordains.
ORDINARSORDINAR n. (Scots) something quite usual, also ORDINARY.
ORDINARYordinary n. A person with authority; authority, ordinance.
ordinary n. Something ordinary or regular.
ordinary n. A book setting out ordinary or regular conduct.
ORDINATEordinate n. (Geometry) The second of the two terms by which a point is referred to, in a system of fixed rectilinear…
ordinate n. (Geometry) The vertical line representing an axis of a Cartesian coordinate system, on which the ordinate…
ordinate v. (Transitive, uncommon) to ordain a priest, or consecrate a bishop.
ORDINEESordinees n. Plural of ordinee.
ORDINEE n. one that is being ordained.
ORDNANCEordnance n. Military equipment, especially weapons and ammunition.
ordnance n. Artillery.
ORDNANCE n. military stores or supplies; missiles discharged in war; artillery.
ORDUROUSordurous adj. Of or pertaining to ordure; filthy.
ORDUROUS adj. of or pertaining to ordure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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