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There are 14 seven-letter words beginning with OSM

OSMATESosmates n. Plural of osmate.
OSMATE n. a salt of osmic acid, also OSMIATE.
OSMATICosmatic adj. Relating to the sense of smell.
osmatic adj. Having a keen sense of smell, or highly developed rhinencephalon.
OSMATIC adj. relying chiefly upon smell.
OSMIATEosmiate n. (Inorganic chemistry) osmate.
OSMIATE n. a salt of osmic acid, also OSMATE.
OSMIOUSosmious adj. (Chemistry) Denoting those compounds of osmium in which the element has a valence relatively lower than…
OSMIOUS adj. containing osmium in lower valency, also OSMOUS.
OSMIUMSosmiums n. Plural of osmium.
OSMIUM n. a metallic element.
OSMOLALosmolal adj. Of or pertaining to osmolality.
OSMOLAL adj. relating to an osmol, a unit of osmotic pressure.
OSMOLARosmolar adj. Of or pertaining to osmolarity.
OSMOLAR adj. pertaining to, or having the property of, osmosis; as, osmolar force, also OSMOTIC.
OSMOLESosmoles n. Plural of osmole.
OSMOLE n. a unit of osmotic pressure, also OSMOL.
OSMOSEDosmosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of osmose.
OSMOSE v. to undergo osmosis.
OSMOSESosmoses n. Plural of osmosis.
osmoses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of osmose.
OSMOSE v. to undergo osmosis.
OSMOSISosmosis n. (Chemistry) The net movement of solvent molecules, usually water, from a region of lower solute concentration…
osmosis n. (Figurative) Passive absorption of information; the act of picking up knowledge accidentally, without…
OSMOSIS n. diffusion of liquids through a semipermeable membrane.
OSMOTICosmotic adj. Relating to, or powered by, osmosis.
OSMOTIC adj. pertaining to, or having the property of, osmosis; as, osmotic force, also OSMOLAR.
OSMUNDAosmunda n. (Botany) A fern of the genus Osmunda, especially the royal fern, Osmunda regalis.
Osmunda prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Osmundaceae – flowering fern, including the royal ferns.
OSMUNDA n. any fern of the genus Osmunda, that includes royal fern, also OSMUND.
OSMUNDSOSMUND n. any fern of the genus Osmunda, that includes royal fern, also OSMUNDA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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