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List of 6-letter words beginning with

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There are 11 six-letter words beginning with ORI

ORIBISoribis n. Plural of oribi.
ORIBI n. (South African) an African antelope, also OUREBI.
ORIELSoriels n. Plural of oriel.
ORIEL n. a projecting bay window supported with corbel or bracket.
ORIENTorient prop.n. Usually preceded by the: alternative letter-case form of Orient (“a region or a part of the world to…
orient n. The part of the horizon where the sun first appears in the morning; the east.
orient n. (Obsolete) A pearl originating from the Indian region, reputed to be of great brilliance; (by extension)…
ORIFEXORIFEX n. (Shakespeare) an orifice.
ORIGANorigan n. Alternative form of oregano (“wild marjoram, Origanum vulgare”).
ORIGAN n. (Spanish) wild marjoram, also OREGANO, ORIGANE, ORIGANUM.
ORIGINorigin n. The beginning of something.
origin n. The source of a river, information, goods, etc.
origin n. (Mathematics) The point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect.
ORIHOUORIHOU n. (Maori) a small New Zealand tree.
ORIOLEoriole n. Any of various colourful passerine birds, the New World orioles from the family Icteridae and the Old…
Oriole n. (Baseball) A player on the team Baltimore Orioles.
ORIOLE n. any of various mainly tropical Old World passerine birds, noted for the melodious song and brilliant plumage of the males.
ORISHAorisha n. A divine entity in Yoruba religion that possesses the supernatural capability of reflecting some of…
ORISHA n. (Yoruba) any of the minor gods or spirits of traditional Yoruba religion, also ORIXA.
ORISONorison n. A prayer.
orison n. Mystical contemplation or communion.
ORISON n. a short prayer.
ORIXASorixas n. Plural of orixa.
ORIXA n. (Yoruba) any of the minor gods or spirits of traditional Yoruba religion, also ORISHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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