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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with OD

ODDESToddest adj. Superlative form of odd: most odd.
ODD adj. strange, unpaired.
ODDISHoddish adj. Somewhat odd.
ODDISH adj. somewhat odd.
ODDITYoddity n. An odd or strange thing or opinion.
oddity n. A strange person; an oddball.
oddity n. Strangeness.
ODEONSodeons n. Plural of odeon.
ODEON n. (Greek) a building for the performance of vocal and instrumental music, esp. among the ancient Greeks and Romans, also ODEUM.
ODEUMSodeums n. Plural of odeum.
ODEUM n. (Latin) a building for the performance of vocal and instrumental music, esp. among the ancient Greeks and Romans, also ODEON.
ODIOUSodious adj. Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure.
ODIOUS adj. hateful, repugnant.
ODISMSODISM n. belief in the power of od, also ODYLISM.
ODISTSodists n. Plural of odist.
ODIST n. one who writes odes.
ODIUMSodiums n. Plural of odium.
ODIUM n. (Latin) hatred accompanied by contempt.
ODOREDodored adj. Having an odor, especially having a specified odor.
ODORED adj. having an odor, also ODOURED.
ODOURSodours n. Plural of odour.
ODOUR n. any smell, whether fragrant or offensive, also ODOR.
ODYLESODYLE n. a mystical pervasive force, also OD, ODYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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