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There are 11 four-letter words beginning with OL

OLDEolde adj. Archaic spelling of old.
OLDE adj. (facetious) old.
OLDSolds n. (UK, slang) parents.
olds n. (Humorous) Information that is no longer new.
Olds prop.n. A surname.
OLDYoldy n. Alternative spelling of oldie.
OLDY n. (colloquial) an old person or thing, also OLDIE.
OLEAOlea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oleaceae – the olives and related trees.
OLEUM n. (Latin) fuming sulphuric acid.
OLEOoleo n. (Aviation) A type of energy-absorbing landing gear strut in which sudden compression or extension of…
oleo n. (US) The various fats and oils that go into the making of margarine.
oleo n. (US, dated) Margarine.
OLESOLE n. (Spanish) a shout of approval.
OLIDolid adj. (Rare) evil-smelling; fetid.
OLID adj. rank-smelling.
OLIOolio n. A rich, thick, Spanish stew consisting of meat and vegetables.
olio n. (Figuratively) A medley or mixture; a hotchpotch.
olio n. (Figuratively) A collection of various musical, theatrical or other artistic works; a miscellany.
OLLAolla n. A cooking-pot or earthenware jar used in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.
olla n. A pot used for cooling water by evaporation in Latin America.
olla n. An unglazed earthenware pot, buried to provide slow steady irrigation.
OLMSolms n. Plural of olm.
OLM n. a kind of blind cave-dwelling salamander.
OLPEolpe n. Originally, a leather flask or vessel for oils or liquids; afterward, an earthenware vase or pitcher without a spout.
OLPE n. (Greek) a Greek jug.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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