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There are 19 words beginning with NEWSP

NEWSPAPERnewspaper n. (Countable) A publication, usually published daily or weekly and usually printed on cheap, low-quality…
newspaper n. (Uncountable, countable) A quantity of or one of the types of paper on which newspapers are printed.
newspaper v. (Transitive) To cover with newspaper.
NEWSPAPERDOMnewspaperdom n. The realm or sphere of newspaper publishing or journalism.
NEWSPAPERDOM n. the world of newspapers.
NEWSPAPERDOMSNEWSPAPERDOM n. the world of newspapers.
NEWSPAPEREDnewspapered v. Simple past tense and past participle of newspaper.
NEWSPAPER v. to work on a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERINGnewspapering v. Present participle of newspaper.
NEWSPAPER v. to work on a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERISMnewspaperism n. (Dated, derogatory) The attitudes and stylistic approach of newspapers; being lowbrow and sensationalistic, etc.
NEWSPAPERISM n. the system of having newspapers.
NEWSPAPERISMSNEWSPAPERISM n. the system of having newspapers.
NEWSPAPERMANnewspaperman n. A man who works in the production of the text of a newspaper; a reporter, editor, etc.
NEWSPAPERMAN n. a person who owns or is employed by a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERMENnewspapermen n. Plural of newspaperman.
NEWSPAPERMAN n. a person who owns or is employed by a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERSnewspapers n. Plural of newspaper.
newspapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of newspaper.
NEWSPAPER v. to work on a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERWOMANnewspaperwoman n. A woman who works in the production of the text of a newspaper; a reporter, editor, etc.
NEWSPAPERWOMAN n. a woman who owns or is employed by a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERWOMENnewspaperwomen n. Plural of newspaperwoman.
NEWSPAPERWOMAN n. a woman who owns or is employed by a newspaper.
NEWSPEAKnewspeak n. Use of ambiguous, misleading, or euphemistic words in order to deceive the listener, especially by politicians…
Newspeak prop.n. (Fiction) The fictional language devised to meet the needs of Ingsoc in the novel Nineteen Eighty-four…
Newspeak prop.n. (Computer languages) A highly dynamic and reflective programming language descended from Smalltalk…
NEWSPEAKSnewspeaks n. Plural of newspeak.
Newspeaks n. Plural of Newspeak.
NEWSPEAK n. deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.
NEWSPEOPLEnewspeople n. Plural of newsperson.
NEWSPEOPLE n. people who report the news.
NEWSPERSONnewsperson n. (Uncommon) A person involved in the gathering or delivery of news: a reporter or journalist.
NEWSPERSON n. a reporter.
NEWSPERSONSnewspersons n. Plural of newsperson.
NEWSPERSON n. a reporter.
NEWSPRINTnewsprint n. An inexpensive paper used for printing newspapers.
NEWSPRINT n. inexpensive paper for printing newspapers on.
NEWSPRINTSnewsprints n. Plural of newsprint.
NEWSPRINT n. inexpensive paper for printing newspapers on.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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