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There are 12 words beginning with NATIV

NATIVEnative adj. Belonging to one by birth.
native adj. Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from prehistoric times.
native adj. Alternative letter-case form of Native (of or relating to the native inhabitants of the Americas, or of Australia).
NATIVELYnatively adv. In the manner of a native, especially a native speaker.
natively adv. (Computing, of software) Pertaining to the computer or architecture in question; without the use of emulation, etc.
NATIVE adv. inborn.
NATIVENESSnativeness n. The state or condition of being native.
NATIVENESS n. the state of being native.
NATIVENESSESnativenesses n. Plural of nativeness.
NATIVENESS n. the state of being native.
NATIVESnatives n. Plural of native.
Natives n. Plural of Native.
NATIVE n. an original inhabitant of an area.
NATIVISMnativism n. (Chiefly US) A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants.
nativism n. The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country.
nativism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned.
NATIVISMSnativisms n. Plural of nativism.
NATIVISM n. the policy of favouring natives of a country.
NATIVISTnativist n. An advocate of nativism.
nativist adj. Related to nativism.
NATIVIST n. an advocate of nativism, the belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts.
NATIVISTICnativistic adj. In agreement with the philosophy of nativism.
NATIVISTIC adj. relating to nativism.
NATIVISTSnativists n. Plural of nativist.
NATIVIST n. an advocate of nativism, the belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts.
NATIVITIESnativities n. Plural of nativity.
NATIVITY n. the process of being born.
NATIVITYnativity n. (Now dated) Someone’s birth; the place, time and circumstances of a birth.
nativity n. (Astrology) Someone’s birth considered as a means of astrology; a horoscope associated with a person’s birth.
nativity n. (Also with capital initial) The birth of Jesus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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