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There are 12 words beginning with NEVE

NEVEneve n. (Rare or obsolete) Nephew.
neve n. (Rare or obsolete) A male cousin.
neve n. (Rare or obsolete) A grandson.
NEVELNevel prop.n. A surname.
NEVEL v. (Scots) to pound with the fists, also KNEVELL.
NEVELLEDNEVEL v. (Scots) to pound with the fists, also KNEVELL.
NEVELLINGNEVEL v. (Scots) to pound with the fists, also KNEVELL.
NEVELSNevels prop.n. Plural of Nevel.
NEVEL v. (Scots) to pound with the fists, also KNEVELL.
NEVERnever adv. At no time; on no occasion; in no circumstance.
never adv. Not at any other time; not on any other occasion; not previously.
never adv. (Colloquial) Negative particle (used to negate verbs in the simple past tense; also used absolutely).
NEVERMINDnevermind n. (US regional) Attention, heed.
nevermind n. (US regional) Concern, affair.
nevermind n. (US regional) Consequence; significant change in or effect on a situation or state; difference.
NEVERMINDSneverminds n. Plural of nevermind.
never␣minds n. Plural of never mind.
NEVERMIND n. (US) a matter of importance.
NEVERMOREnevermore adv. Never again.
NEVERMORE adv. never again, also NATHEMO, NATHEMORE.
NEVERTHELESSnevertheless adv. (Conjunctive) In spite of what preceded; yet.
NEVERTHEMOREneverthemore adv. Not any more; no longer.
neverthemore adv. Anyway; all the same.
neverthemore adv. Even more (a second event compounds the first).
NEVESneves n. Plural of neve.
Neves prop.n. Plural of Neve.
Neves prop.n. A city in northwestern São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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