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There are 17 nine-letter words beginning with NEUR

NEURALGIAneuralgia n. (Pathology, neurology) An acute, severe, intermittent pain that radiates along a nerve.
neuralgia n. An acute, severe, reoccurring emotional distress.
NEURALGIA n. intense burning or stabbing pain, typically along the line of a nerve, esp. in the face.
NEURALGICneuralgic adj. (Neurology, pathology) Pertaining to or affected by neuralgia.
neuralgic n. A person afflicted by neuralgia.
NEURALGIC adj. of or pertaining to, or having the character of, neuralgia.
NEURATIONneuration n. (Biology) The arrangement or distribution of veins (nerves), as in the leaves of a plant or the wings of an insect.
NEURATION n. the arrangement of nerves and veins, esp. those of leaves, also NERVATION, NERVATURE.
NEURAXONSNEURAXON n. a part of a neuron.
NEURILITYneurility n. (Obsolete, physiology) The special properties and functions of the nerves; the nervous capacity for…
NEURILITY n. the essential character of nerve.
NEURITICSneuritics n. Plural of neuritic.
NEURITIC n. one affected with neuritis.
NEUROCHIPneurochip n. An integrated circuit designed to interface with neurons.
NEUROCHIP n. a microchip used in neural networks.
NEUROCOELneurocoel n. Alternative form of neurocoele.
NEUROCOEL n. a cavity in the brain, also NEUROCOELE.
NEUROGLIAneuroglia n. (Cytology) glial cell.
NEUROGLIA n. the supporting tissue of the brain and spinal cord, etc., also GLIA.
NEUROGRAMneurogram n. An image of neural activity.
neurogram n. The supposed imprint left behind on the physical brain after every mental experience.
NEUROGRAM n. a modification in nerve structure to which memory is due.
NEUROLOGYneurology n. The branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of nervous system including the brain and spinal…
neurology n. (Medicine, colloquial) Focal neurologic signs; focal neurologic deficits.
neurology n. (Medicine, colloquial) The results of a neurological examination.
NEUROMASTneuromast n. A cluster of ciliated and other neural cells that serves as a simple sensory organ in some fish and amphibians.
NEUROMAST n. a sensory cell in fish.
NEUROMATAneuromata n. Plural of neuroma.
NEUROMA n. a tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve.
NEUROPATHneuropath n. (Medicine, dated) A person with neuropathy, perhaps also including (in outdated nosology) a neurosis…
neuropath n. (Medicine, historical) A physician with specialization in neuropathy, corresponding to today’s specialties…
NEUROPATH n. one who believes in nervous origin of most diseases.
NEUROPILSneuropils n. Plural of neuropil.
NEUROPIL n. a network of axons, dendrites and synapses within the central nervous system.
NEUROTICSneurotics n. Plural of neurotic.
NEUROTIC n. someone given to neurosis.
NEUROTOMYneurotomy n. (Neuroscience) The dissection, or anatomy, of the nervous system.
neurotomy n. (Neurology) The division of a nerve, for the relief of neuralgia, or for other purposes.
NEUROTOMY n. the dissection, or anatomy, of the nervous system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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